IV. Single-Player Walkthrough


If you don't want to spoil the surprises of the single-player mission, then DO NOT read this. However, if you want some tips on how to sneak through the enemy defenses and complete the mission the way that General Auschenbach wants you to complete it, then read on, m'friend.

1) You can't sneak around the radar tower by going left. The infantry will see you. Peel off right instead and hug the mountains all the way around to the pass. This works (almost) every time.

2) Keep an eye on your squadmates. Maulliaux in particular likes to take off and attack targets of opportunity. If they start to wander, then bring them to heel quickly with a REGROUP or MOVE command off the Tactical Map. Without some care (or luck) your squadmates will end up tipping off the enemy to your location.

3) The buildings are the key to whether you are detected or not. If you can QUICKLY (emphasis on the quickly part) destroy the radar building at the start of the mission, then you don't have to sneak around it. Instead, you can stomp all over those smarmy infantry, make them go splat, and no one will be the wiser. However, if you take too long, and they get a signal off (from the intact radar building), then the jig is up and the warning goes out to the Striders.

4) The Pass is the next big hurdle. There are turrets at the other end of the gap that will peg you hard if you just try to storm through. They will also sound the alarm. However, if you destroy the generator building (to the right of the turrets as you come through the pass), then the turrets will be deactivated. If you destroy the tower (behind the generator building), then no warning will go out either. WARNING! You must destroy these buildings from long range or the warning will go out too quickly for you to stop. This one is very tricky to pull off. (SIDE NOTE: Since you have to come back this way...and you usually are under serious pressure when you return...you should probably kill those turrets before you leave the area. They can't turn around and are particularly vulnerable from the rear.)

5) Gears, infantry and trucks don't report your presence immediately, so you can usually fight them without fear of activating the Striders...once the radar buildings are destroyed.

6) Be warned! The central isle is a deathtrap! The laser turrets will attack you from one side, the Gears stationed there will attack you from the other...and those Striders are going to show up eventually if you start a firefight there. If you're trying to sneak into the Striders, stay away! (But come back later...this area is fun.)

7) When you come through the gap, follow the gravel path to the right, past the factories. This bends around until you get to a bridge over the river (the bridge that is NOT protected by turrets). Crossing this bridge and the hills beyond it will bring you to a ring of buildings where the Saggitarius striders will be IF you managed to sneak all the way here. IF you did sneak successfully here, they will be deactivated and easy prey for your guns. If you DID NOT sneak successfully here, you'll know it soon. Striders make mean foes. <grin>

8) Once you kill all four Striders, you ain't out of the woods yet. You've got to get back through the gap and back to your starting point. Why? That's where the Fury dropship is waiting for you. And, oh by the way, did I mention that you really pissed off the raiders by destroying their Striders? They're going to be gunning for you all the way back. Since you killed the Pass turrets on the way in (you DID read that "side note" above didn't you?) you shouldn't stop to fight if you can avoid it, but rather, zigzag your way back to the dropship as quickly as you can. (Be careful of leaving Gears to your rear though...their weapons are powerful and many of your chassis have the flaw of "Weak Rear Armor".)

9) Some specific tactics ---

Hunter: On the bounce, soldier. You've got jumpjets. Use them. It's hard to hit a bouncing target.

Cheetah: You've got the sniper scope and a very fast chassis. Try hit and run tactics. Pick off the radar towers from long range if you can. Conserve your ammo for the Striders if at all possible and let your squadmates do most of the killing.

Jaguar and Black Mamba: You're versatile, general mayhem producers. Use your squadmates to supplement your ammo loadout and try to avoid too many head-to-head confrontations. Conserve your rockets for the big guys (Striders) and for quick kills on Gears.

Cobra: You're massive and heavily armed. Keep your pace slow and destroy all comers. Protect your wingmates keep them alive to add their firepower to your own. Mow down the Striders. But don't get too cocky...a well-placed missile can get even you...


Squadmate AI